This again?


A reading for Monday, September 21, 2020: Acts 25:1-12.

"Paul said, 'I am appealing to the emperor’s tribunal; this is where I should be tried. I have done no wrong to the Jews, as you very well know."

Festus is the second governor to hear charges against Paul from the Jewish council. Perhaps Festus is made aware of the plot to kill Paul on the way down to Jerusalem, and he was not going to let that happen to a Roman citizen on his watch.

This whole scene is a recurring episode for Paul. He is charged with sedition and treason, and no Roman court seems to care. However, notice that even in the midst of this chaos Paul is not only able to be faithful but to continue to proclaim Jesus as Messiah and King. In the end only the emperor could hear his case, because Jesus is the true King in Paul's eyes.

From this point forward there is nothing that can stop the legal process to put Paul in front of the highest Roman court where he will continue to proclaim Jesus. Thanks be to God.


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