So Much Trouble In The World


A reading for Monday, August 31, 2020: Acts 20:17-38.

"And now, as a captive to the Spirit, I am on my way to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and persecutions are waiting for me."

Those in worship with me yesterday will recognize this plea from Paul as exactly the same as Jesus' warning in Matthew 16:21-28. Jesus turns his attention to going to Jerusalem to suffer at the hands of the authorities, be crucified, and be resurrected. Paul, now in the power of the Holy Spirit, says the same. The cross continues to loom large in the lives of those following Jesus... however so does the resurrection!

Even for us today, sometimes faith brings us trouble. Most of us will not face the same trials and struggles of Paul, thanks be to God. However, we should also not expect that all will be peaceful and go just as we planned.

Our task, as was Paul's, is to listen for the words of the Spirit of God to know if our struggles are of the Lord or of our own making. When we go with the Spirit of God, we can be confident that we do not go of our own strength and conviction, but through Jesus Christ and the cross all things are possible. Thanks be to God!


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