Going Too Far?
A reading for Monday, April 6, 2020: Mark 11:12-25.
It's just a matter of time. Everything is being done differently now. The world has changed. Our commute is from the kitchen to the living room. Our meetings are glowing screens and not gathering tables. For the most part, even though it's different, it's at least interesting to be part of something new. However, at some point, the establishment will rebel. At some point, this will go too far and there will be a reaction...
In our lesson today, we read the story of Jesus going too far. The authorities will not have such a disruption in the Temple. Jesus turns over the tables spilling the day's proceeds. It's not permitted to upset the system that much. Jesus will be held accountable...
Thanks be to God for the things that do not change. God's faithfulness. God's love. Salvation because of and through the "rabble rouser" Jesus of Nazareth. God always goes too far for us.
No matter if today is interesting or maybe too far, know that God is with you! That will never change.
Thanks be to God!
It's just a matter of time. Everything is being done differently now. The world has changed. Our commute is from the kitchen to the living room. Our meetings are glowing screens and not gathering tables. For the most part, even though it's different, it's at least interesting to be part of something new. However, at some point, the establishment will rebel. At some point, this will go too far and there will be a reaction...
In our lesson today, we read the story of Jesus going too far. The authorities will not have such a disruption in the Temple. Jesus turns over the tables spilling the day's proceeds. It's not permitted to upset the system that much. Jesus will be held accountable...
Thanks be to God for the things that do not change. God's faithfulness. God's love. Salvation because of and through the "rabble rouser" Jesus of Nazareth. God always goes too far for us.
No matter if today is interesting or maybe too far, know that God is with you! That will never change.
Thanks be to God!
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