Touching and Transforming

A reading for Tuesday, May 9, 2017: Acts 9:20-31.

Since the very beginning the gospel of Jesus has been about touching lives and transforming people. The Holy Spirit connects people to the God of all creation, re-creating them into the image God intends...

Saul becomes Paul and goes to work touching lives and transforming people, connecting them to the God of creation, re-creating them into the image God intends...

We should expect to be touched and transformed. We are connected to God too, through the power of Jesus Christ...

Discipleship in Christ is not a destination. It's a journey that continues touching and transforming.

I am not here to pass judgement
or point the finger at anyone.
My name was written in the sand
as one who is forgiven.
Strengthened with hope, impervious to shame,
I will walk freely like the freshness
of the dry lands after rain.

Let light spill out of heaven
through my life,
dispelling mediocrity and silent blame.
Too many people, guilt-stricken, wounded,
walk in regret,
feeling bad about failing,
apologise even for breathing.

Raw belief, a passion for others
grows in me,
encircling each moment
with instinctive prayer.
I will carry the freshness
of the dry lands after rain.
Compassion lives in me again.

Andy Raine


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