Expected Differences

A reading for Thursday, May 11, 2017: Acts 10:34-48.

“Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” It's a profound and far reaching question. It's the same question the Ethiopian Eunuch asked Philip back in chapter 8 of Acts.

Do we expect that all those who God chooses with the Holy Spirit to conform to our ideas about faith, or are we willing to accept differences? Do we expect differences? Can we be changed ourselves by the differences brought to us by those baptized into Christianity?

Truth is it's an exciting time to be part of Christianity. The Holy Spirit is moving and reaching all sorts of different people with a message of love, hope and faith in Jesus Christ. The Spirit of God is changing our churches and our faith. When we join with what the Spirit of God is doing, just like Peter in the lesson today, then we too will make new connections. We too will measure the journey of our faith not just in the final destination of eternity but also in the friends we have made along the way. Thanks be to God!


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