
A reading for Friday, April 28, 2017: Acts 3:11-26.

From one generation to another... Our Christian faith is an oral tradition of belief. Jesus lives! Peter told the assembled group that it was Jesus who healed the man. Peter gave a living witness to the truth of the gospel, that Jesus lives for all time and to every generation. Peter generated faith in those days.

It is Jesus who continues to heal and transform today. Those of us that know and have seen the glory of the Lord maintain the tradition. We are to give witness to the truth of the gospel, that Jesus lives for all time and every generation. We too have seen the acts of the Lord. With God's help, we too must help generate faith for the next generation as living witness.

From one generation to another... Testimony is what continues to generate the tradition to our children and our children's children. Our generation (of faith) is for the generations!


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