Why Would Anybody Do That?

A reading for Wednesday, February 22, 2017: Luke 9:51-62.

Whenever we make a decision for faith there will always be those that either can't understand or can't support our decision.

Today we read how Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem. It's a turning point in the Gospel of Luke, when the traveling, missionary Jesus makes a decision to go to the heart of religious life and practice in the ancient world and make stand for faith. Right away we see there are those that don't understand. There are others that can't support it. The disciples are uncharacteristically reactive, which says a lot considering other ways they have reacted in the story. We wonder, "Why would anybody do that?" Why would Jesus make such a move knowing the likely outcome. Yet, we also know the rest of the salvation story does not happen unless Jesus desire for God and desire to live his mission continues...

When we decide that our faith requires something of us, we should expect nothing less than the same as Jesus. Yet in a similar way God offers us the chance almost everyday to connect with something greater than what we already know. When we connect with our desire for God and our desire for the best life we can live, God is with us even when nobody else is. We never walk in faith alone!

Here's a link to a blog considering What We Expect From Church. It's worth reading...


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