Returning Home...

A reading for Friday, February 24, 2017: Luke 10:17-20.

Today the seventy return from the mission praising God and sharing the results of their work. In relationship with and service to Jesus, these were able to bring peace to the world and peace even to their own hearts...

It seems there is always a dual nature to the Christian life. Consider these from Luke:

Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." (Luke 10:27)

Jesus said, "Pay attention to what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you." (Luke 6:38)

Jesus said, "Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." (Luke 10:20)

In the economy of God, when we pray for others we are blessed in our own life. When we give our life away, we find it. When we go in Christ's name, only then are we able to return home.

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you,
wherever He may send you.
May He guide you through the wilderness,
protect you through the storm.
May He bring you home rejoicing
at the wonders He has shown you.
May He bring you home rejoicing
once again into our doors.


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