Truth Is A Person

A reading for Thursday, January 26, 2017: Philippians 2:1-11.

"Truth is a Person. A person who ate dinner with prostitutes, tax collectors, lepers. A person who taught his disciples to turn the other cheek and walk the extra mile. A person who turned over tables in the temple and called out the hypocrisy of the establishment. A person who engaged in faithful conversations with Pharisees, Zealots, criminals, outsiders, people of every theological and political persuasion. A person who valued relationships over rules. A person who calls disciples, then and now, to come and follow." 

From a blog written by David Brown about post-truth in the modern world. The truth of Christianity or discipleship is not an idea or a idealogical construct. It's a person, and the only way the world will know truth as that person is when disciples live as imitators of Jesus. When we are of the same mind as Jesus, who "though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross."

Indeed truth is a person and it's Jesus, and it's you and it's me.


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