The Return of the King

A reading for Thursday, December 15, 2016: Zechariah 9:9-17.

Every king is measured by the justice and peace they bring to the people over which they rule. We look again with joyous anticipation to Christ our King who is to be born and return to rule over our hearts and minds, over the lives we offer in allegiance as disciples to Jesus our Lord.

Brave news there is I understand, 
Brought by one that late did land, 
Many that heretofore were sad, 
Their hearts full merry are, and glad, 
And rejoice for his sake, 
That amends will us make, 
And will please us all as then, 
for he that we did lack 
is now returning back 
For to enjoy his own again. 

-anonymous, an excerpt from An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II, edited by Gerald MacLean.


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