One Week To Go...

A reading for Monday, December 19, 2016: 1 Samuel 1:9-18.

One week to go... If Advent is the season of preparation and reflection, then all that is left to do is to open ourselves again to the mystery of incarnation and the birth of Jesus Christ.

In the fourth century, the Christmas season became officially what we know it to be now. The 21 days between December 17th and Epiphany on January 6th were the official time of considering the mystery of Immanuel (God with us) and the community centered around incarnation called Christ's church. The 25th was deemed officially Christmas day.

Today was we read the words of Hannah and Eli sitting outside the ancient Temple, we remember Eli's assurance that Hannah's prayer had been heard. “Go in peace; the God of Israel grant the petition you have made to him.”

As we open ourselves again this week to the mystery that is Christ's coming birth and even coming return, may we offer our prayers and petitions to the God of Israel.

O Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer. Save us Lord. “Let your servant find favor in your sight.”


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