Not So Cyber Monday

A reading for Monday, November 28, 2016: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14.

We live in an ever-changing culture. Just a few short years ago, cyber Monday was the day when online retailers hoped to earn their share of holiday shopping. In those days, online shopping was new and a bit unknown and so bigger deals incentivized people to shop using their computers for all the deals they missed out on the day after Thanksgiving. It was a big deal! Literally!

But times have changed. Now it seems everyone shops online. Black Friday is just as much about online shopping as cyber Monday. The market has changed so quickly. Some retailers still try and take advantage of an artificially created big deal day, but change has once again eliminated the power of a cultural icon. You have heard it said that the only thing certain is change.

The good news for us as disciples of Jesus is that no matter how much in our culture and our world changes, our God and savior Jesus Christ does not change. The vision of Daniel of "His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, and his kingship is one that shall never be destroyed" is just as true today as it ever was. Seasons come and seasons go, but the everlasting covenant of our God does not change.

Today as your email box is filled with all the many messages hoping to get you to cyber Monday, consider this... What changes must you make or embrace in the way you live your life in order to continue to live out the unchanging good news of Jesus Christ? How will you be his everlasting disciple in a culture and a world that never stops moving and be the church? We say that the only thing certain is Christ Jesus our Lord and the good news of the gospel.

Happy not so cyber Monday!


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