Always Aware!

A reading for Wednesday, November 30, 2016: 2 Timothy 4:16-18.

Faith is suddenly becoming aware that God has been with us all along, and yet we didn't know it.

There is not really a single moment when God is suddenly with us, even though many believers talk about conversion and being born again like that. Rather it is a moment when we are suddenly aware of God's presence in our lives. It comes in a moment of peace or beauty. We are overwhelmed by a gracious act or even are saved from something that threatens to end us. It's not that God wasn't there all along as the one who created us and everything from the beginning. In that moment, our eyes are opened and we recognize that it's God. Then it's gone again... but God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit is still there!

The Apostle Paul speaks of such a moment in 2 Timothy. When all his supporters abandoned him, he was suddenly aware that God was with him all along giving him the courage to do what he was called to do.

Today there might be a moment when you become aware of God's presence in your life. Savor it and enjoy it. Revel in the reality that God is always with us until the end of the age. Do not grieve that you are not always aware of God. Just know that God is always aware of you!


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