All Saints 2016

A reading for Tuesday, November 1, 2016: 2 Kings 2:1-12.

Today is All Saint's Day, the day when we remember and honor all those that have lived our faith and now have died. We are grateful to God for our faith, which mostly has come to us passed down from our ancestors before us. Our fathers and mothers, aunts and uncles, grandparents and even those not related to us have given us a rich heritage on which to build.

Today's lesson recounts the last days between Elijah and Elisha, as they traveled and Elijah prepared to be carried up into heaven. When asked for the one thing Elijah might leave with his protege, Elisha asked, “Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit.”

Might I suggest that be our prayer on All Saints Day 2016. May we inherit the same Spirit, perhaps even a double share, of the faith of our ancestors. It may be that the saints of old were not perfect, but they lived and loved our faith. May we carry the faith on to the next generation blessing our children and their children with trust and hope. May the peace of God, that surpasses understanding, continue to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.


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