Again and Again...

A reading for Wednesday, November 2, 2016: 2 Kings 4:1-17.

When we see the same things happening again and again, independent of each other, then perhaps it's a sign that the Holy Spirit is working among us.

Elisha prophesied that the oil would not run out, just like Elijah. He predicted the birth of a miracle child, just like the three strangers with Abraham. These were signs that Elisha served the God of Abraham and Elijah.

When we help feed the hungry, or shelter the homeless... When we celebrate a blessing that is given in a child's baptism... When we devote our work and our lives to serving God in our neighborhoods and in our workplaces... We too are demonstrating signs that God is with us in the same way God has been working all along.

When we see the same things happening again and again, the point is not our ability to repeat them, but could be a sign for us and others that God is among us.


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