Scarcity To Abundance

A reading for Monday, February 8, 2016: Mark 8:1-11.

From scarcity to abundance. The story of the feeding of the four thousand has a trajectory. It moves from not having enough to having more than enough. Jesus calls out the hunger of the people in the midst of scarcity, only to point out at the end that the blessings and grace of God has filled up seven baskets of left-overs.

Our mission as the people of God is not merely to serve the needs that we discover around us. We are called to heal and to bind up the broken hearted. But when we orient ourselves around only needs, our message is that the world is a place of scarcity and that we are the ones to fill it. Rather, our job is to demonstrate the abundance of God in the places we live and work. An abundance of love, and joy, and compassion, and kindness, among other things... God is the one that fills the need, and we too are the ones to receive it.

Notice the disciples and the people did not fill the baskets. Jesus took what they had, and made it abundant, so much so that they had more than they needed.

It is God who moves us from scarcity to abundance!


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