It's The Year 2016!

Thanks to all for a couple weeks off from "Peace to this House!" Thanks for making this daily devotion a part of your life and faith journey. By the way, this is the 500th blog post on "PttH." It's been fun. Cheers and Happy New Year! Let's go...

A reading for Monday, January 4, 2016: Genesis 12:1-9.

From the story of Abraham we learn that the way to bless others is through obedience to God and the following of God's mission.

Abraham was wealthy and established in life. He had no doubt worked hard for all the many blessings he enjoyed. We know he had land, and servants, and livestock. When suddenly God commands Abraham to literally pull up his tent stakes and go to a strange land. No reason is given, other than God has chosen to bless the world, and the family of Abraham. "Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you."

Search your heart. It's the year 2016. What is God asking of us? Is there a command of God seeking our obedience? Where would the mission of God send us? Answering such questions might make this year of our lives the most exciting and faith forming yet...


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