Awaken Our Hearts

A reading for Thursday, February 5, 2015: Mark 8:27-9:1.

Awaken our hearts to the joy of your presence and open our lips to sing your praise; to the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Jesus asked his disciples if they knew who he was. Peter answered "You are the Messiah."

Jesus taught his disciples what he came to do by death on a cross. "And after three days rise again."

Jesus proclaimed that even when those we love lose their life, the presence of Jesus will bring us joy. "They see that the kingdom of God has come with power.”

It has never been easy to see the joy of the presence of God in the world around us. There is greed and arrogance, violence and betrayal. The fog of death sometimes seems to lay thick around those we love and care about. It was the same for the earliest disciples. How can we endure the trials and complexities of life?

Then there is the gospel. The truth is that Jesus is with us, and promises to never leave us. The way forward is to pray. To hope. To open ourselves again to the presence of the Lord, and even to the cross, and especially to the power of the Kingdom of God. We pray:

Awaken our hearts to the joy of your presence and open our lips to sing your praise; to the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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