House Divided

A reading for Tuesday, January 20, 2015: Mark 3:19b-35.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand..."

Unity and cooperation are hard to come by. It has always been this way. Jesus was criticized and questioned almost from the very beginning. Perhaps his message was one that some did not want to hear? Unity with those that are different is sometimes hard for us to accept.

What is the health of our unity today as a church? Are we united in a common purpose as disciples of Jesus Christ called to serve the mission of God, or are we divided into groups. Denominations, affinity groups, and even one congregation over against another could be signs that our house is divided. Our witness for unity is fractured, and our focus on the mission is lacking.

Jesus asked, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And the answer was "...Whoever does the will of God."

Today is a good day to find a brother or a sister that is different from us and to serve with them as an expression of unity and doing the will of God.


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