To Save Those That Are Lost

A reading for Wednesday, November 12, 2014: Luke 15:1-10.

Today's lesson is as easy to understand as yesterday's was hard. Jesus Christ came into the world to save those that are lost. Like a shepherd that leaves the whole flock to find the one that has wandered off, or the lady who will not rest until the one of her ten coins is found, God's mission is to seek out and find all that have wandered off and become lost.

This is good news for those that are lost, which is all of us, but just as much even if we somehow believe we aren't lost. How much better will our lives be when all of God's children are restored to our community? What gifts are we missing that will be returned? The abundance of God in the goodness of creation is what is being repaired each time one that is lost is found.

The truth is there are hurting, lost men and women all around us everyday. Sometimes they are poor in resources, living without basic food and shelter. Often they are rich, with everything there is to have in material possessions but empty of meaning and love. Perhaps they are invisible to us, living and dying in fear that nobody will ever really know them for who they could be. Maybe they are famous, surrounded by a world that dehumanizes them for the price of a ticket or an autograph.

Today's lesson offers us a glimpse into what Jesus Christ offers to the world through the church. God's mission is to seek out and save the lost; to create, redeem, sustain, rule and transform all things and all people. Our world is desperately in need of the work we have been called to in Christ to save the lost. People are hurting and the good news of Christ is the remedy.

Let's get to it today...


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