Stand Up Tall

A reading for Wednesday, November 5, 2014: Luke 13:10-17.

The sabbath was created in order that all of creation might celebrate the value and blessings of good work. It is a day of rest, but even more a day of joy and celebration. We are called to imitate God, who worked for six days and rested on the seventh declaring that all of creation was very good.

Perhaps Jesus heals the woman so that she might join in the celebration. How much more can she celebrate when she is no longer crippled, hunched over and in pain? "When he laid his hands on her, immediately she stood up straight and began praising God."

The most important question for today's lesson is why not? Why would the Pharisees and religious authorities not want healing to occur on such a day of celebration? They knew that if people were burdened with work and the stress of daily life, they would not be able to rest and celebrate. That was and is still important to remember. But they had missed the mark on healing, says Jesus.

The sabbath is a gift to us, and yet one that we fail to open most of the time. It's not a rule to be stingy with, but instead a blessing to be enjoyed.

Today is not the sabbath, but perhaps is still a day that affords us the chance to take a moment or two to praise God. Enjoy God today, and tomorrow and especially on Sunday.

May we all stand up tall and celebrate praising God!


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