Well Done John!

A reading for Tuesday, September 23, 2014: Luke 3:15-22.

John the Baptist is an example of faithful service to the gospel. There are three things in the story of John we might consider as lessons of faithful service. If we want to know what to do and how to live faith in Jesus Christ, look at John.

First, John baptizes. He answers the call to service. John does what is expected of him even when it must have seemed strange and unusual. John's action is for Christ.

Second, John proclaims the gospel with words and exhortations. He tells others the good news of Jesus Christ. He is bold in his proclamation and others come to know Jesus through his teaching. John's words are for Christ.

Finally, John stands up against evil and for the good that represents the Kingdom of Heaven. In the end, this is what costs John his life and yet John stands against Herod and the other powers of his age in proclaiming what is evil over against what is right. John takes a stand for Christ.

In the end of our lesson today, of course we know that it's Jesus who is proclaimed by God as the Son in whom God is well pleased, but it almost sounds as if a little bit is for John as well...

"A voice came from heaven, 'You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”

Well done John!


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