Make It Count

A reading for Monday, August 18, 2014: John 5:19-29.

If we believe God creates, then we believe Jesus also creates. If we believe God has the power to redeem and save the world, then we also believe that Jesus has the power to redeem and save the world. Jesus says, "for whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise." The mission of God is the same for Jesus, who in addition to creates and redeems, also sustains, governs and transforms all things and all people. This is the work of Jesus our Lord and because Jesus is our Lord, it is our work as well...

So if all this is true, and I believe it is, then it leads us to a pretty important question for today. What will you create? Today, what will you endeavor to create in the name of the Lord, who does what the Father does. What will you redeem? What will you sustain, and govern, and transform? Just as it is the mission of God, it is our mission too...

Today is a gift from God. What you do with it is your gift to God in return. Make it count...


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