We Will Try Again

A reading for Monday, June 16, 2014: Matthew 17:14-21.

No one person can do it all alone... Not even Jesus. It takes many hands, committed and faithful, to do the full work of the Kingdom of God.

By now Jesus had hoped his disciples would be able to heal in his name, so that more and more people would know the mercy and power of God. He is angry when he realizes that the mission is not farther along and that the disciples are still depending on him to carry all the power to heal. And yet, Jesus is faithful still and the boy is healed with or without the participation of the disciples.

Saint Augustine once wrote, "Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you." Truth is God is counting on our participation in bringing about the Kingdom. That's the mission of God. That's our mission too. Jesus said "With faith like a mustard seed, we can move mountains." We are called to act in faith. The good news is even when we fail, God is faithful still and we know that the work of our Savior is already done.

What faith will we use today? What mountains will we move? What thanks will we offer to God for all we have already seen accomplished? If we fail, we will fully depend on God for forgiveness and peace. We will try again.

No one person can do it all alone... Not even Jesus. May we stand with him today in working for the Kingdom of God.


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