Love and Law

A reading for Wednesday, May 14, 2014: Matthew 5:17-20.

The law is a gift, so that we might know how to live in relationship with God and with God's creation. It is a gift of love...

When Moses and the Israelites were saved from Pharaoh, and wandered the desert, the law was given because they were a stiff necked people who would not obey God. The law allowed them to love God...

When the prophets called down God's people for ignoring the law and acting in a way that displeased God, it was because the law was the way the people knew God was present among them. The law demonstrated that God loved them...

In today's lesson Jesus proclaims the law and upholds it's place in the relationship of God with God's people, and this too is an act of love...

John Calvin wrote about the "third use of the law." It is useful to instruct us as believers on what is good and righteous, so that we might live the way God wants us to live. It is our regular act of love, "by frequently meditating upon it, we will be excited to obedience, and confirmed in it, and so drawn away from the slippery paths of sin." This is the way of love...

The love of God continues through the law, and the prophets, and the gift of Jesus Christ...


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