Is the King Really the King?

A reading from Friday, December 6, 2013: Matthew 22:1-14

It's almost like the king wasn't really the king.  If he had been, then certainly those in his kingdom would have come to the banquet when his son got married.  Surely there would not have been anything to keep them away.  If the king was really the king, they would have stopped everything else going on in their lives to attend.  If the king was really the king.

But they didn't come.  They went about their daily lives as if the king wasn't the king.  They went to their homes and they went to their places of work as if the banquet wasn't happening.  They even abused the servants of the king just to demonstrate to all that could see such things that the king really wasn't the king.  They didn't think the king was really the king.

Even when others were invited to the banquet, they came simply because there was food and their needs were being met.  It wasn't really about the king being the king.  One didn't even get properly dressed, and showed up in disrespect to the king.  He didn't think the king was the king either.

So the question for us is... Do we think the King is really the King?  Do we act like the King is really the King?  Do we treat others like the King is really the King?


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