I have a seminary professor friend who shared with me a couple years
ago something that has become a bit of a focus for me in my ministry. He
observed that the word Christian is only used 3 times in the entire New
Testament. The very word, that so many millions of people use to identify
their faith each and every day, is almost non- existent in the very text that
defines the concept, the New Testament.
On the other hand, again according to my friend, the word Disciple is
used 270 times in the
New Testament. Now I must admit, I have been accused of making a mountain out of molehill at times,
but doesn’t it seem like there is something in that little numerical comparison
that we ought to notice?
Could it be that there was some preference on the part of those who
put together our New Testament writings toward the concept of Disciple versus
Christian? Let’s look a little closer at the issue. The word Disciple
is directly related to the word following, and to follow, in the Biblical
sense of a disciple, was an ancient practice of following a rabbi.
Rob Bell, a pastor from Grand Rapids, MI has done some research and
tells us what following as a disciple was like during Jesus’ time.* It was
related to school and education; however we must understand that the
concept of school was a very different thing than we are accustomed to today.
There were no public schools in Jesus’ time. In fact
very few children even went to school. Some of you, who
are school age and reading this, are thinking; “How cool
is that?” And your parents are thinking, “Oh No!”
Understand that life in Jesus’ day, for Jewish people at least, was
all about following the Torah,
God’s law. That’s basically what Jewish people call the first five books of the
Old Testament. Going to school was totally about learning Torah. People
thought, unlike in our separation of church and state age where religion is an
educational taboo, that faith and Torah is what people needed most to know. And
more importantly, if Torah was lost in the young people of their villages they
were in big trouble.
So at around six years old, children would begin going to school to
learn Torah. It was probably located at the local synagogue and would have been
taught by the rabbi. This school
was called Bet Sefer, or house of the book in Hebrew; because it focused
on teaching the books of Torah.
At this point in a six-year old child’s education, students were
required to begin memorizing scripture and continued to memorize the books of
Torah until they had them. All of them; word for word; Genesis, Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy; word for word. By the age of ten most
children would have these first books down and would be ready to move on.
How many of you have even read the first five books of the Old
Testament once?
Have you ever wondered why, when we read in the Bible of Jesus talking
to people about Torah, they all seem to know it? Jesus says about scripture,
“You have heard it said...” This is why they memorized it as
children. Also, people in the ancient world didn’t have their own copy of
the Bible. They memorized it so they could have it for themselves.
At age ten, something began to happen. Students began to sort
themselves out. The best of the best were pulled aside by the rabbi, and sent
on to the next level of education; Bet Talmud or house of learning. Only
the best of the best could go on. The rest of the students, the less than the
best, went home to start working the fields with their families or take up the
family business. If you were a fisherman, you learned fishing. If you were a
carpenter, you learned carpentry etc. For these children, school was over.
Meanwhile, the best of the best continued on in school, memorizing the
rest of the Old Testament; all of it: Genesis through Malachi, 39 books, all by
But the rabbi wanted to know more. Not only did the students have to
memorize, but the rabbi would begin to ask them if they knew what the verses
meant. No longer could they just quote scripture; now they had to process the
information. Remember the story of Jesus in the temple as a boy? He was about
twelve years old, and the Bible tells us he was in the temple being asked what
the scriptures meant. Clearly Jesus was part of this process as a child.
By about fourteen or fifteen, the age when our students are just
getting warmed up, especially
if they are going on to college, only a very few in Jesus world were still
studying; only the absolute best of the best. Just about everyone else had
returned to their families. They were farming and fishing or whatever.
This final stage of learning was called Bet Midrash, or house
of study. Even the best of the best students had to apply. To move on, you had
to get a rabbi to allow you become a talmidim, or a disciple. Here’s
where it gets interesting.
To be a disciple meant you did everything exactly as your rabbi would
do. You dressed like your rabbi, you walked behind your rabbi just like he
walked, and you talked just like
your rabbi talked. In essence you became your rabbi’s twin brother and it was
brother and not sister at this time. There was a lot on the line here.
If the disciple couldn’t cut it, it was an embarrassment to the rabbi.
Rabbis wanted to be sure that their disciples could actually handle being like
them. They were extremely tough on who they allowed to become their disciples
since it was such a clear reflection on them. They would grill the potential
disciples for weeks, maybe even months, to ensure they could actually do all
the rabbi needed them to do.
When the Rabbi thought the person could do it, they were satisfied
that this person was the absolute best of the best. No other was better than
this student to become their disciple; then and only then they would say, “Ok,
come follow me!”
From that day on, the disciple would do everything his rabbi would do.
Think about the stories we read in the gospels about Jesus calling His
disciples. Here comes Jesus strolling down the beach. Jesus is a rabbi; he has
gone through this whole best
of the best process. Sometimes people think Jesus was a carpenter, because
Joseph was. But people called him rabbi, which you now know meant he never
learned the family trade. He was a talmidim, he went through Bet
Sefer, Bet Talmud, and Bet Midrash. He became a rabbi.
In the gospels we read how Jesus walks up to these common, ordinary
fishermen and says to them one of the most outrageous things a rabbi could ever
say to a regular guy. He says, “Come, Follow Me!” And now that
you know all about the schooling of Jewish children, you also know what that
must have meant.
These fisherman which, by definition, were not the best of the best,
were sent home from school long ago to learn the family business. Why on earth
would Jesus make these men his disciples? According to society they didn’t cut
it. They didn’t have what it takes to be followers of the rabbi, Jesus.
Maybe that’s not what Jesus is looking for. Maybe he sees something in
these men that
couldn’t. He calls them by name and says “Follow Me” and I will make you
fishers of men. Literally, “I will teach you to do what I do”, and you will
become my disciples and you will be like me. Do you see what a crazy move
that was for Jesus’ day and age? He calls ordinary people to be his
followers... to do what he does and walk in his path.
I don’t think things have changed all that much today. Our
society just like at the time of Jesus tells people you have to be
the best of the best to be important. You have to have better grades than
everyone else, if you want to get into a good college. You have to play
football harder, workout in the weight room more, attend practice early and
stay late. Sometimes you hear it said, “You need to be a pastor, or at least an
elder to be really into the church. If you want to make it as the best. That’s
what society tells us we need to do to be successful, and good and happy.
But Jesus says something different to us. Jesus doesn’t care if you
are the best of the best. Jesus wants you as you are. Jesus says, “You can do
what I do, not because you are the best of the best, but because I am, and
because you are following me.” In a world where everyone is constantly trying
to be better than everyone else, Jesus says, “I want
you to be my disciple no matter who you are or where you are from”.
That’s what being a disciple means. It simply means to follow Jesus,
with emphasis on the following part, to do what he does and go where he goes.
Being a disciple is about taking our lead from Jesus our Lord! The voice of
Jesus replaces our voice.
Now back to the difference between Disciple and Christian. Being a
Christian, as opposed to a disciple, has a slightly different connotation. I
think being a Christian is about being part of an institution of the church. It
could include being a follower at times, but doesn’t seem to hold the same
mandate about following that being a disciple does.
In fact, for many today, being a Christian has evolved into more about
being a leader and an example than a follower. There are certainly times when
being a disciple requires that we set an example and witness to a different way
of doing things. But even then, we are following the example of our rabbi in
our witness and not just doing our own thing.
Most of this book so far, has been about the leadership voices in the
church. We have talked about Father, Son and Holy Spirit as our basis. We have
talked about the calling of pastors, elders and deacons which are all
leadership positions in our polity system. In rediscovering our voice, it has
been my suggestion that we reclaim our polity and renew our ideas about who is
leading the church and with what voice.
But what if you aren’t a leader in the church? Most people reading
this book will not be a
pastor, or an elder or a deacon. What does rediscovering our voice as a
Presbyterian Church mean for lay
people? Now we make a shift. Being a disciple is not really about leading at
all, it is about following.
This is what I mean. To follow someone, in the literal sense, is about
98% just showing up.
You can’t physically follow someone unless you are there, can you? Once you
show up, you need only do what you are led to do. But first of all one has to
show up. You notice that Jesus doesn’t say to his disciples, “Meet me next
week for coffee and I’ll lay it out for you.” He doesn’t say, “Here’s my card
give me a call and we’ll get together.” Jesus says to these common, wonderfully
ordinary men, “Follow Me!”
What’s the greatest problem with discipleship in the church today?
There are probably lots of answers. Some might say it is apathy, others might
claim it’s the lack of commitment. There are probably others who would
complain that the church is too big, too tolerant, and has too much money for
people to feel very inspired to be a part of it.
For me it comes down to one word, independence. Plain and
simple, I believe the greatest problem we face with most of those in our
churches who want to be disciples is independence. Most people don’t really
want to be followers, even if it’s Jesus they are following.
To be a follower, in the sense of discipleship, means you have to do
everything your rabbi or your lord calls you to do. You don’t get to pick and
choose only the things you are interested in. It’s not a menu for you to select
the programs and interests you have.
Following Jesus with the voice of a disciple means you show up. You
attend worship even if you don’t feel like it. Sunday school, or at least a
Bible study of some sort is part of following Jesus too. How can you know
what Jesus is asking you to do as his disciple, when you only bother to
listen a couple times a month? There is so much more we could mention,
fellowship times, church service projects, mission trips, food drives.
You have to participate in the church. The model for church participation
should be following, showing up,
and not maintaining our independence. We are not the leaders in our churches,
in fact not even the pastor, or the elders, or the deacons are THE leader. We
are all following one person, Jesus!
How many of us see our discipleship in that way? Is that what we
thought we were getting into when we signed up? I think for many people, that’s
not the understanding they
had when they joined a church. “You mean I am supposed to come whenever the
church needs something from me?” “What do you think I am, the fire department?”
Some of you at this point may be wondering what the big deal with all
this is anyway? Maybe you want to say to me, “Aren’t you just another pastor
who wants to claim big numbers and then justify the church as relevant because
there are lots of people there?”
Maybe that’s part of it. But there is more to it for you as a
disciple. Have you ever been invited to a party or a sporting event with
someone and you turned it down because it just didn’t sound like something you wanted to
do? Then the next time you saw the person who invited you, you discover that
something amazing happened in your absence.
What if you missed the closest game of the season because
you thought it was just another ordinary game or maybe your closest
friends decided to get engaged at the party you didn’t feel like attending.
Following Jesus means you are there whenever Jesus needs you.
Sometimes it might be something you can give or it might be something Jesus has
to give to you. If you aren’t there, how are you going to receive it?
Our church, in the last twenty to thirty years, has become “program”
oriented. Many church planners came up with the idea that a community of faith
must have lots of different “entry points” for people. There must be small
groups of people with similar interests who can get together in the name of
Christ. These are all good things. They meet the needs of the people of God.
However, I fear that in the process of creating this system we have communicated
a very different message than we intended. We have said to the disciples of
Jesus, “Above all, make
sure the church is offering what you need”. Instead of just following Jesus as
disciples, I wonder if we have made it so that the church must follow the
expectations of the disciples rather than the disciples following the
expectations of Jesus?
We are supposed to be a community of disciples following Jesus,
showing up to see what Jesus
has in store for us. But instead, we have taken our American ideal of
independence over all other things, and made it what the church is about also.
Independence from an oppressor, like King George or an abusive parent
is one thing. But independence from Jesus is not only un-Biblical, it’s just a
really bad idea.
Let’s go back to the story of the disciples from scripture again. What
if the disciples decided to maintain a little of their independence in response
to Jesus’ amazing call on their lives? What if Peter responded with, “Okay
Lord, I’ll follow you, but my job is really kind of difficult for me right now.
Plus I’ve got all this stress at home with the kids. What if I work in this
discipleship stuff a couple times a month on sort of a trial basis? If it
becomes something I enjoy doing, if it meets all my needs, then perhaps I can
increase my involvement.”
How would that be for a response to the call of Jesus?
Before you answer, try putting your name or the name of someone you
know in place of Peter and see if it sounds at all familiar?
One more thing we need to notice in finding our discipleship voice. If
we are disciples who are supposed to meet the expectations of the one we
follow, then it might help us to know what those expectations are. If we look
at the call story of Jesus and the disciples again, we notice, quite simply,
that there aren’t any. You see that’s the really great part. Remember, how
following is 98% just showing up? Jesus doesn’t look for the best of the best.
Jesus wants you as you, and the only expectation is that you follow Him, and through
Him discover your real voice. Maybe that’s enough of a challenge for all of us
for right now.
If we are going to rediscover our voice as a Presbyterian Church, then
we are going to
have to
look at the whole system. A system has leaders and followers. We are in need of
both. Disciples, we are a community of men and women,
boys and girls, who follow Jesus. May you understand your voice of discipleship
as a call to follow Jesus!
* Bell,
Rob. Velvet
Elvis, Repainting the Christian Faith. Zondervan Publishing, Grand Rapids, MI c. 2005
(How to ensure you and others are behind
the leader of the church, Jesus)
1. Disciples read the sale pages of the newspaper
for information, and the church bulletin for upcoming events. Not the other way
3. Humility is a dished served best with other disciples.
4. If you want to know who you are really following in life, read your checkbook.
5. The three hardest words in the American English language are “Whatever you say!”
6. Independence Day is July 4th, not every other day of the year.
7. “Let me pray about that, and get back to you?” should be something we say to telemarketers more often than we say to Jesus.
8. The word community has both You and I in it.
9. Answering the call to a discipleship voice is like answering the door to the Publisher’s Clearing House Sweepstakes prize van. It doesn’t matter what you are wearing or what you are doing at the time, only that you answer the door.
10. If you want to lead, walk your dog. If you want to follow, walk with Jesus.
3. Humility is a dished served best with other disciples.
4. If you want to know who you are really following in life, read your checkbook.
5. The three hardest words in the American English language are “Whatever you say!”
6. Independence Day is July 4th, not every other day of the year.
7. “Let me pray about that, and get back to you?” should be something we say to telemarketers more often than we say to Jesus.
8. The word community has both You and I in it.
9. Answering the call to a discipleship voice is like answering the door to the Publisher’s Clearing House Sweepstakes prize van. It doesn’t matter what you are wearing or what you are doing at the time, only that you answer the door.
10. If you want to lead, walk your dog. If you want to follow, walk with Jesus.
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